Divorce/Family Law

Spousal Support & Alimony Determinations

During a marriage, both individuals grow accustomed to a certain lifestyle. One spouse may spend hours at the office earning the paycheck that supports the family. The other spouse may spend days at home taking care of the children, cleaning the house and fixing meals. In this scenario, it is likely that both spouses make sacrifices to support their family. One works longer hours, while the other opts out of a career to stay at home.

These roles may support each other during the marriage, but it is usually less feasible when a marriage ends. Spousal support, also called alimony, is designed to help a spouse with lower income earning potential to maintain the standard of living to which he or she grew accustomed to during the marriage.

At Miller & Calabrese, P.C., our attorneys help individuals throughout southeastern Michigan understand their financial rights and obligations when a marriage ends. We have over 40 years of experience represent clients through the family law process.

Understanding the Factors that Determine Spousal Support

spousal support arangement lawersOne of the issues people worry about when they are getting divorced is whether they will have the means to support themselves financially. Spousal support can be awarded to one spouse after the marriage is over, though it is not a given. Judges determine whether spousal support will be awarded and the award amount based on a number of evidentiary factors, including:

  • Length of the marriage
  • Age and health of each spouse
  • Each spouse’s contributions to the marriage
  • Ability of each spouse to work and their respective incomes
  • And multiple additional factors

We can explain how this works, the type of evidence necessary to prove an element and build a compelling argument to protect your rights with this often contentious topic.

Contact Us

We can help you estimate how much support you will be expected to pay or receive. Our experienced lawyers can help you understand your financial rights and responsibilities after marriage. Contact our office at 734-455-1230 or by using our online form.